Obstacle to Opportunity

Hello everyone, in our daily life we face so many obstacles. Some are very easy to resolve and some are tough. But every obstacle has an ending which provides an opportunity to learn something from that. Let’s see one of the stories related to it.

Once a king placed a boulder on the middle of the road. He wants to see who will remove that boulder. So he went to one place to hide and sees the play. First the people of his court passed by it. They saw the boulder but they moved away. Then few rich people passed through. But none took the initiative of moving the boulder from the road.

Then comes the poor farmer with his load on his shoulders. He saw the boulder and laid his load aside to move it. He tried a lot and at last succeeded in it. After moving that big rock from the road, he found a purse underneath it. He took it and opened to see what it is. Surprisingly, he found the gold coins inside along with a note from the king stating that the gold was for the person who removes the boulder from the roadside.

This poor farmer learned what many others never understand. Every obstacle in the life presents an opportunity to improve one’s condition.

Paul Joshua

I am Paul Joshua working as a Technical Writer. I love writing small stories which inspires me and an inspiration to many. This is the blog which have many of them which definitely inspires you. Happy Reading Fellas.

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