The Lion

Once there was a dense forest where all the animals were living happily. In the same forest, there lived a lazy lion. One day fox came to lion:
Fox: My watch is not working properly. Do you know the exact time?
Lion: It’s 12:15pm. If you give your watch then I will fix the problem.
Fox: Sorry Lion, it’s an imported watch. You cannot repair it, that too you have big claws. You will surely destroy it.
Lion: You just hand over your watch for 30 minutes and see.
The fox unwillingly gave his watch to the loin. The lion disappeared into his cave and came after exact 30 minutes. The lion handed over the watch which is working perfectly. The fox was totally impressed and praised Lion before leaving.
Soon a wolf came and requested the Lion to watch TV in his cave. Then again Lion enquired wolf about his TV.
Wolf: Though it is the advanced LED TV, due to some technical glitches it is not working properly.
Lion: Oh, is it! Can I fix it for you?
Wolf: It’s TV not a watch, that too the most advanced TV. You might not have any idea about it.
Lion: No problem. Give it to me for 30 minutes and see.
Wolf: 30 minutes? Fine, here is my TV and your time starts now.
Again the Lion went inside the cave and came back with the perfect working TV. The wolf was dazed and happily went off with its TV.
Hidden Secret in Lion’s cave:
In one corner of the cave, there was a team of fast and intelligent rabbits who are busily fixing all the complicated and sensitive issues. The Lion is just monitoring the work.

MORAL: If you want to know why a manager is famous; look at the work of the subordinates.

Paul Joshua

I am Paul Joshua working as a Technical Writer. I love writing small stories which inspires me and an inspiration to many. This is the blog which have many of them which definitely inspires you. Happy Reading Fellas.

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