Don't Quit

One day a man decided to commit suicide. Before committing suicide, for the last time he wants to talk with God. So he went to the woods and asked, “God, can you give me one reason to live?”
God said, “My Son. I will tell you one short story. After the completion of it, you decided whether to quit or to live.”
“Yes,” he replied.
I planted both fern and bamboo seeds at once. I took good care of them by providing enough light, water and air. After one year, the fern grew and it covered the land with its green color. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I didn’t quit on the bamboo.
The second year passed away, the fern grew more vibrant. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I didn’t quit on the bamboo.
Three, four, five years passed away, the fern grew plentiful. I see a tiny sprout emerged from the ground for bamboo seed. Compared to the fern, it was very small and negligible. But just after six more months, the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.
“Do you know why it took 5 years to grow?” asked God. “No idea”, said the man.
It had spent the first five years for growing roots. Those roots made the bamboo tree strong even though it rose up to 100 feet. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.
God continued by saying, “Did you know, my son, that all these days of struggling, you have actually been growing roots. Don’t compare yourself to others because as bamboo had a different purpose than the fern, I have a separate plan for you than others.”
The man realized his mistake and decided to live and aim for the highest.

Paul Joshua

I am Paul Joshua working as a Technical Writer. I love writing small stories which inspires me and an inspiration to many. This is the blog which have many of them which definitely inspires you. Happy Reading Fellas.