Story on Turtle

Once there lived a turtle family. They all decided to go for a picnic. As the turtles were very slow in walking and doing things, it took nearly one year to prepare everything for an outing.
Finally, they started traveling and after two years of traveling, they found one ideal place for an outing. It took another 6 months to clean the place and unpack the luggage. Then they discovered that they forgot to bring salt. An outing without salt would be a disaster. So they decided to send the young turtle for bringing salt from the home.
The young turtle was reluctant to go, but all forced the young one to go. At last, he agreed to go on one condition: Until he returns back with salt, no one should eat anything. The family accepted the condition and the young turtle left.
As the young turtle is the fastest among all, it will take 2 years instead of 3 years. But 4 years, 5 years, 6 years passed away, but there is no evidence of young turtle’s return. Then on the seventh year, the older turtle could no longer wait and announced that he is going to eat and began to unwrap a sandwich.
At the same time, the young turtle suddenly jumped out from the bushes and shouted, “See, I knew pretty well that you wouldn’t wait. So now I am not going to get the salt anymore”.

Paul Joshua

I am Paul Joshua working as a Technical Writer. I love writing small stories which inspires me and an inspiration to many. This is the blog which have many of them which definitely inspires you. Happy Reading Fellas.

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