Story of Challenges

The Japanese were the fish lovers. They love to eat fresh fish. But there was a scarcity of fresh fishes from the last few decades. So the fishermen purchased big boats to go far in finding fishes. But when they came back with loads of fishes, they were not fresh.
So they decided to install freezers to store the fishes. They would catch the fish and kept them in the freezer. But Japanese didn’t like the taste of a frozen fish. Instead, the cost of the fishes came down and it became very hard for the fisheries department.
They came up with one more idea of storing them in small tankers which are fixed to the boats. They would catch the fish and store them in tankers where fishes can swim. But these fishes are not as tasty as fresh fishes.
Then they came up with an idea which helped in overcoming this major issue. To keep the fish tasting fresh, they put the fish in the same tankers but with a small shark. The fishes are challenged and hence they are moving constantly. The challenges they face keeps them alive and fresh.
How are we today? Are we facing the challenges or just simply living in a pond without any challenges?

Paul Joshua

I am Paul Joshua working as a Technical Writer. I love writing small stories which inspires me and an inspiration to many. This is the blog which have many of them which definitely inspires you. Happy Reading Fellas.

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