Happiness in Giving

A rich student walking along with his professor who was known for his kindness. While they were walking, they saw a coat & pair of shoe on the road side of a poor man who was working in a nearby factory.
The student said, “Sir, shall we hide his shoes and let’s see how he will react.” The kind professor said, “Instead of stealing his shoes, why don’t you keep one gold coin in each of the shoes?” The student agreed and kept one gold coin in each shoe. They both hide in the bushes; meanwhile, a poor man came.
While putting his coat, he slipped one of his legs into the shoe. He felt something hard when he stepped into the shoe. So he removed and was astonished by seeing the gold coin. He happily kept it in his pocket. Again he felt the same hardness while wearing the second shoe and found one more gold coin. He was outburst with happiness, kneels down and praised God saying, “God, thank you for giving enough money for my wife’s treatment” and left happily from that place.
The student was deeply moved by the scene and his eyes filled with tears of happiness. He said, “Sir, Thank you so much for teaching a great lesson. I understood, it is more blessed to give than to receive”. They both went happily with great happiness in their hearts. 

Paul Joshua

I am Paul Joshua working as a Technical Writer. I love writing small stories which inspires me and an inspiration to many. This is the blog which have many of them which definitely inspires you. Happy Reading Fellas.

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