0 Paul Joshua Famous Failures Here is the list of few famous failures of great people who were failed in their own skills but ended up in a high note. Sachin Tendulka... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Life's Lesson Once a wise man is giving a sermon to the audience. In between the sermon he cracked one hilarious joke. The whole congregation laughed lo... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Swami Vivekananda When Swami Vivekananda went to London to study Law, a white professor named Mr. Peters disliked him intensely. One day Mr. Peters was ha... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Story on ANT One Sunday morning, a wealthy man sat on his balcony enjoying the sunshine and his coffee when a little ant caught his eye which was going... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Birbal - The Servant One day Akbar and Birbal were riding through the countryside and they happened to pass by a cabbage patch. "Cabbages are such delig... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua If wishes could come true There was a little, but always a cranky girl. Everything was bad for her. It wasn‘t enough toys, the gifts she was getting were wrong. She... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Care for your Well-Wishers Once there lived a mighty & strong lion that killed all the other animals with his power. The lionesses and cubs were so happy that th... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Anant Ambani - Determination Obesity, still a problem without a proper permanent medical solution. When you think of obesity, you will think about a person who cheer... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Story on Self-Confidence Once there lived a business executive who was in deep debts. Out of depression, he sat on the park bench. Suddenly an old man came to him ... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua The Wooden Bowl An old man went to live his rest of his life with his son, daughter-in-law and a four-year-old grandson. As he is too old that he don’t ha... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua God's Love Once after God created everything in the universe, he decided to leave some part of his important virtue of His own divinity. He explained... 0 Comments 9 Paul Joshua Landing to Earth from Heaven I asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?" ... 9 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Greedy Landlord Once there lived a greedy landlord. He appoints a poor farmer to look after his 40 acres of mango crop. In return, he told that he will be... 0 Comments 1 Paul Joshua Learn by watching others Once there lived a young man who is intelligent but lazy. His mother told him to learn something so that he will get married to a good... 1 Comments 2 Paul Joshua Smart Work Once there lived a strong man who is an expert in wood cutting. He went to a merchant and asked for the job. As he is an expert in his ski... 2 Comments 2 Paul Joshua Management Skills A small story on Management Skills. Dad: My Son, I have seen a proposal to you. You should marry her. Son: Sorry Dad, it’s not possibl... 2 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Hardik Pandya He is a sensation in Indian cricket team. Dhoni believes strongly that he can bat without any fear. In high tension matches also, while he... 0 Comments Newer Posts Older Posts Home Blog Archive ► 2018 (1) ► January 2018 (1) ► 2017 (1) ► January 2017 (1) ▼ 2016 (173) ► December 2016 (9) ► October 2016 (3) ► September 2016 (12) ► August 2016 (17) ► July 2016 (17) ► June 2016 (21) ► May 2016 (19) ▼ April 2016 (17) Famous Failures Life's Lesson Swami Vivekananda Story on ANT Birbal - The Servant If wishes could come true Care for your Well-Wishers Anant Ambani - Determination Story on Self-Confidence The Wooden Bowl God's Love Landing to Earth from Heaven Greedy Landlord Learn by watching others Smart Work Management Skills Hardik Pandya ► March 2016 (21) ► February 2016 (20) ► January 2016 (17) ► 2015 (68) ► December 2015 (23) ► November 2015 (28) ► October 2015 (7) ► September 2015 (1) ► August 2015 (1) ► July 2015 (2) ► June 2015 (6) Translate Popular Posts Spend time with your Children Size of God The Fox and The Grapes