Story of 5 Monkeys

A group of scientist decided to test  monkeys. So they kept them in a cage where there is a ladder in the middle to climb and catch the bunch of bananas.
So the monkeys trying to eat those started climbing the ladder. In the meantime, the scientists were sprinkling cold water on the rest of the monkeys. This became very common that whenever a monkey climbs the ladder, the rest of the monkeys were soaked with cold water. So the rest of the monkeys started beating the monkey which is climbing the ladder.
After a while, scientists substituted one of the monkeys with a new one. The new monkey saw those bananas and started climbing the ladder. By seeing this, the rest of the monkeys started pulling down and beating the new monkey even though scientists didn’t sprinkle cold water.
This time the other monkey was replaced with a new one. Again the new monkey started climbing and the rest of four monkeys dragged it down and beating it. At last all the old monkeys were replaced with new monkeys, which they didn’t experience the cold water started dragging and beating the monkey which is trying to climb the ladder.
If it is possible to ask those new five monkeys, why they were beating the monkey which is climbing the ladder, I bet the answer would be, “We don’t know the exact reason but we know that this procedure is continuing from very long time”.
Does it sound similar? How many times we do things without knowing it?

Paul Joshua

I am Paul Joshua working as a Technical Writer. I love writing small stories which inspires me and an inspiration to many. This is the blog which have many of them which definitely inspires you. Happy Reading Fellas.

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