Live Life

Once a fisherman was taking rest. A rich man came to him and said, “Why are you wasting your time?”
Fisherman: Just now I caught enough fish for the day. If I sell them, I can live for this day.
Richman: Why don’t you spend more time for fishing?
Fisherman: Why?
Richman: You will get more fishes.
Fisherman: So what?
Richman: You will get more money
Fisherman: So what?
Richman: You can buy a big boat.
Fisherman: So what?
Richman: You can appoint two more to work under you.
Fisherman: So what?
Richman: You become a boss.
Fisherman: So what?
Richman: You can take rest and they will work.
Fisherman: What I’m doing now? Daily I will wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction. I’m satisfied with what I have. I use money to live, but not living for money.

Paul Joshua

I am Paul Joshua working as a Technical Writer. I love writing small stories which inspires me and an inspiration to many. This is the blog which have many of them which definitely inspires you. Happy Reading Fellas.


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