An interview with God

Once a man got an opportunity to interview God. So he went to meet God.
God: So you came here to interview me?
Man: Yes God, if you have time.
God: smiled – My time is an eternity.
Man: Here is my question God. What makes you laugh about humankind?
God: I will tell few instances:
1)  When they were in childhood, they desire to grow up fast and start earning. When they start earning, they desire to go back to childhood days.
2)  They acquire money by losing their health and they use the same money to restore their health.
3)  They think more about future and they forgot to lead a peaceful life neither in the present nor in future.
4)  While they were healthy, they live that there is no death. While they were on death bed, they die as if they didn’t live.
5)  In sorrows, they will cry and in happiness also they will cry.
Man: God, I don’t have guts to continue my interview. But I would like to ask the last question.
God: Yes, my son.
Man: As a parent, what are some of the life's lessons you want your children to learn?
God: For this question also, I will tell few points:
1)  To learn that they cannot make others love them, but they can start loving others.
2)  To learn not to compare themselves with others.
3)  To learn to forgive others and forget about the past.
4)  To learn not to hurt the dear ones because it will take seconds to hurt them but it takes years to heal them.
5)  To learn to be happy as I made it for all the humankind.
Man: Thank you God for your valuable suggestions. Is there anything else that your children want to know?
God: Smiled – Just know that I’m here always to help you.

Paul Joshua

I am Paul Joshua working as a Technical Writer. I love writing small stories which inspires me and an inspiration to many. This is the blog which have many of them which definitely inspires you. Happy Reading Fellas.

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