0 Paul Joshua Believe in your actions Once there was a village which was hit by drought. If it continues for next 6 months, then there won’t be anyone living. They are in despe... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Don't change the world Once there lived a king who decided to visit the whole of his kingdom. As he is the king of a huge nation, he was so tired of the journeys... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Do not hurt yourself One night a snake was roaming for food. In search of food, it entered into a carpenter’s shop. Carpenter being very lazy, he left all his ... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Lessons from a Dog A dog teaches us a lot of story with his behavior. Often we overlook them. Here are the few good things which we can learn from a dog: v... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Give it a Shot A question for you: There are three frogs on a leaf. If one frog decided to jump off the leaf, how many frogs are left? We know the answ... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Isn't it Strange ? ? ? Isn’t it strange to think before giving $100 as offering to God, but such a small amount when you go shopping? Isn’t it strange to feel ... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Count your blessings Ruth and Mary were two young mothers who are living in adjacent houses. Both have balconies to have a good view of the neighbor's hous... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Building Bridges of Life Once there lived twin brothers who had 100 acres of land each. As the lands were adjacent they shared all the goods which were used on the... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Weakness to Strength Sometimes our biggest weakness is our biggest strength. Here is a small story which supports it. Once there lived a small boy who is jus... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Mother's Love Here is a small real incident which happened to many of us in our lives. This small story highlights the mother’s love but not ignoring ot... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Balance your life A philosophy lecturer entered into the class. He said today I’m going to teach you all an important lesson. Just imagine if life is a ga... 0 Comments 2 Paul Joshua Who will do? ? ? This is a story of four persons, namely Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. Their boss assigned a small, easy and important work to t... 2 Comments 2 Paul Joshua Presence of Mind Once there lived a young salesperson who is very intelligent. One day a customer came and asked for ½ kg of butter. The salesperson said... 2 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Story on Laziness Once there lived a lazy young man. Due to his laziness, he lost everything but only left with a house and a wooden ladder. Every house had... 0 Comments 2 Paul Joshua Story on Half-Truth Once there lived a sailor who was working for the same boat from three years. He never had a habit of consuming alcohol when he was in the... 2 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Roles & Responsibilities An old farmer desired to attend Sunday service in a church in spite of freezing snow. He travelled quite a long distance and reached the c... 0 Comments 0 Paul Joshua Young & Old Archers Once there lived a young and boastful archer who challenged an old archer for a game. This young man was so talented in his skill and hit ... 0 Comments Newer Posts Older Posts Home Blog Archive ► 2018 (1) ► January 2018 (1) ► 2017 (1) ► January 2017 (1) ▼ 2016 (173) ► December 2016 (9) ► October 2016 (3) ► September 2016 (12) ▼ August 2016 (17) Believe in your actions Don't change the world Do not hurt yourself Lessons from a Dog Give it a Shot Isn't it Strange ? ? ? Count your blessings Building Bridges of Life Weakness to Strength Mother's Love Balance your life Who will do? ? ? Presence of Mind Story on Laziness Story on Half-Truth Roles & Responsibilities Young & Old Archers ► July 2016 (17) ► June 2016 (21) ► May 2016 (19) ► April 2016 (17) ► March 2016 (21) ► February 2016 (20) ► January 2016 (17) ► 2015 (68) ► December 2015 (23) ► November 2015 (28) ► October 2015 (7) ► September 2015 (1) ► August 2015 (1) ► July 2015 (2) ► June 2015 (6) Translate Popular Posts Spend time with your Children Size of God The Fox and The Grapes