Think Once

Once there lived a fox which is feeling hungry due to lack of food. He tried so much but it resulted him nothing. In his trails, one day he went to the edge of the forest and found a pack inside a tree’s trunk. Without thinking anymore, the fox jumped into the hole and started opening the pack.
When he opened the pack, he saw few bread slices, meat and fruits. An old wood cutter placed it for his lunch. The fox happily started eating and completed the whole pack. He felt thirsty and decided to come out of the hole to drink water in the nearby lake. No matter how hard he tried, he could not get out of the hole. The fox had eaten too much that even he was not able to come out of the hole.
The fox was so upset and told himself, “I wish, I had brought that pack out before starting eating.” In the meantime, a hungry lion came and saw the fox’s situation and killed it.

Paul Joshua

I am Paul Joshua working as a Technical Writer. I love writing small stories which inspires me and an inspiration to many. This is the blog which have many of them which definitely inspires you. Happy Reading Fellas.

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