Facebook Facts

FACEBOOK, one of the most familiar words in this modern world. I think there won’t be a single teenager in this world who doesn’t know about it. No one says spending time on Facebook is just killing time. It gives entertainment, general knowledge, latest updates, helps us to be in touch with our friends and more importantly, it will help us to find more friends easily. The very most important feature of Facebook which binds us is, it will never make us to think that we are alone. Once we open Facebook, closing it is not in our hands. Finally, I can say that it became one of the organ in our body. Let's see few amazing things about Facebook.
  1. Facebook was launched in the year 2004 Feb 4th. It was the only social network, which attracted the most number of people in the world.
  2. Adding the number ‘4’ to the Facebook URL will directly lead you to Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook page. Ex: - https://www.facebook.com/4
  3. Mark Zuckerberg had color blindness so the Facebook color was Blue. 
  4. The notification tab which is a globe shaped in Facebook will change according to the location you reside. 
  5. Initially, Facebook had Alfredo James Al Pacino has its home page. He is all-time greatest Actor and filmmaker in Hollywood.
  6. Every day, nearly 6 lakh hacking attempts are made on various Facebook accounts. 
  7. Facebook tracks the websites you’ve visited even after you’ve logged out.
  8. Even though if you erase the content in Facebook Status without posting it, it will be stored in the Facebook server. 
  9. There are nearly 30 crores of Facebook users who doesn’t use their accounts.
  10. Facebook has been banned in China since 2009.
  11. The Like button on Facebook was originally supposed to be called as ‘Awesome’. 
  12. There are 8.7% of fake profiles on Facebook. 
  13. You can block anyone on Facebook except Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook.
  14. As the CEO of Facebook, Mark receives $1 as his salary per month. 
  15. Facebook is the only social network, which has a pet name i.e., FB. 

Hope you all enjoyed reading the amazing facts on Facebook.

Paul Joshua

I am Paul Joshua working as a Technical Writer. I love writing small stories which inspires me and an inspiration to many. This is the blog which have many of them which definitely inspires you. Happy Reading Fellas.

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